Day 17 - September 17th 2007
Location: Los Alto, California
Setting: Peets Coffee
1. Preferred nickname?
Tyler - I don’t know. I don’t really have a nickname
2. Birthplace?
Menlo park
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was at Crittenden Middle School in 6th grade
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
*pause* I’m trying to think. I guess life’s short so ... no that’s a quote. The best things in life are free
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
*Smiles* probably sleeping, or hanging out with friends or eating... all 3
8. Song of the week?
Lets just sat ... oh this is hard for me to say... lets just say run it by Chris Brown
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yeah but I don’t want to say them, they’re offensive
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
The peaceful warrior -it’s a movie
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oh I don’t know that’s a good one ... I’ll just say Oprah
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