It’s that time of year... red cups for your coffee, the same music in every store, too little time for too many faces and trying to balance responsibilities while putting them on the back burner. At the end of finals I thought to myself, “Finally! I’ll have time to upload photos, type interviews, work through the back up and see all my friends” I’ve not uploaded a thing. The interviews are better protected in their plastic covers, but they’re still just pen smudged sheets waiting to be digitally achieved. I’ve still not organized my Thanksgiving photos, much less organized the photos shot since then. And there are far too many people I still hope to see. It’s roughly 2 am on December 24th, and later today I’ll be at a Starbucks serving the last does of eggnog before the family time begins. Christmas is the day after and then I shall spend 3 days in Tahoe. I shall return just in time for my sparkling cider toast to the new year and then it shall be time to cram in as much reading as possible before the quarter begins. I’m not as concerned with posting as I am with uploading and backing up files. My CF cards hold anywhere from 200 to 1200 photos each and the thought of losing any of those is somewhat scary. I’m almost a third done with this project. (Finished up to 114 and 121 will be the 1/3 mark) Since the beginning of this project I feel I’ve gotten better at approaching people for the project. Now it’s more natural and it generally takes less time to find a face of the day. After getting a mohawk a little less than 2 months ago I thought people would be less willing to talk to me but I was pleasantly surprised when it made little difference. I still try to keep it more laid back when doing interviews though. Generally I won’t spike my hair if I think it will effect the people in settings I’m likely to visit, and sometimes I’ll wear a hat when going to do the interview. But in general I’ve found appearance makes little difference in the ease of finding someone to be the face of the day. Though the ease in finding people could also be a result of having more practice than when I started the project. Regardless- I’ve been pleased with how things are going. I’m going to include a few photos of myself now so you can see the face on the other side of the camera and thus have a visual to accompany the observation on the hair.
Song of the Week:
The Walk by Imogen Heap

This was shot by my Dad in Madrid. The green folder I'm holding contains the 365 interviews.

This is me in my full photo mode. I shot this of my reflection in an elevator in London. This was the same week I got the mohawk.

With my hair down

A bit more exciting when up I think

Side view

And a shadow
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