Day 31 - October 1st 2007
Location: Los Altos Hills, CA
Setting: Foothill College
1. Preferred nickname?
Valeria. Lera.
2. Birthplace?
St. Petersburg
3. Paper or plastic?
You can’t ask me questions like that I’m as decisive as a fat man in a buffet
4. Favorite childhood toy?
I came from Russia! My favorite toy was like, “Here’s a rock! Play with it”
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
In my 8th grade English class with my teacher Miss Elmore who was like the spawn of Satan.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Russians lie 11 times out of 10.
As long as you’re breathing you have every reason to be happy.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
*laughs* Dancing, eating, laughing, living and getting away with something I shouldn’t
8. Song of the week?
Hold on, I have one California by Mylene Farmer
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Excuse me. I’m Russian! We know too many. And I’m a Jew, I know them by default. I’m the target of ‘em.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Oh my god I’ve read so many. Look ay you- you write everything! Beach Music.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
*long pause* Oprah because of affirmative action.
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