Day 40 - October 10th 2007
Location: Palo Alto, California
Setting: Stanford Avenue Starbucks
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
New York City
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
I had this stuffed dragon I really liked. It was a puppet.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was in PE class at my school.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Umm you don’t discover yourself, you create yourself.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Umm oh gosh. I’d say playing field hockey or listening to music. Hanging out with friends.
8. Song of the week?
No More I Love You’s Annie Lennox
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
*laugh* yes
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Umm book, it’s called Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters. It’s about developmental psychology
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie I think. Depends on what they’re fighting for. (My reply: Their lives) Oh Oprah.
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