Day 35 - October 5th 2007
Location: Palo Alto
Setting: Z Gallery
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Menlo Park
3. Paper or plastic?
Canvas. Screw Paper
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Tinker toys or legos
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I stayed home from school that day, I think I was sick.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Be a duck
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Sleeping or eating.
8. Song of the week?
Umm. God I don’t know the artist. (Pause)
Becoming Insane by Infected Mushrooms actually, make that Salmon Dance by Chemical Brothers
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yes, though I can’t remember any off the top of my head.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Oh snap, it’s been a long time since I’ve read a book or seen a movie
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
*pause* Go with Oprah. I think she gained some weight again.
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