Today marks the end of 2007 and the end of the 4th month of this project. Encouraged by time to think and a society urging reflection- I've been thinking in the final days of the year about what's changed this year. A lot. The year has rushed by in a whirlwind of busy days, late nights and the exhausting time in between the two when one sees the sunrise due to not sleeping. If there is one thing I'm sure of though, it is that the best decision I made this year was to commit action to thought and pull this idea off the back burner. 122 Days. And every one of those days has introduced me to someone or given me a new way to look at a familiar face. After tonight's party to toast midnight snacks and new calendars, I will have 8 more months ahead. Which would seem daunting, except I'm looking forward to every bit of it.
Song of the week
New Years Day by U2
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
It’s that time of year
It’s that time of year... red cups for your coffee, the same music in every store, too little time for too many faces and trying to balance responsibilities while putting them on the back burner. At the end of finals I thought to myself, “Finally! I’ll have time to upload photos, type interviews, work through the back up and see all my friends” I’ve not uploaded a thing. The interviews are better protected in their plastic covers, but they’re still just pen smudged sheets waiting to be digitally achieved. I’ve still not organized my Thanksgiving photos, much less organized the photos shot since then. And there are far too many people I still hope to see. It’s roughly 2 am on December 24th, and later today I’ll be at a Starbucks serving the last does of eggnog before the family time begins. Christmas is the day after and then I shall spend 3 days in Tahoe. I shall return just in time for my sparkling cider toast to the new year and then it shall be time to cram in as much reading as possible before the quarter begins. I’m not as concerned with posting as I am with uploading and backing up files. My CF cards hold anywhere from 200 to 1200 photos each and the thought of losing any of those is somewhat scary. I’m almost a third done with this project. (Finished up to 114 and 121 will be the 1/3 mark) Since the beginning of this project I feel I’ve gotten better at approaching people for the project. Now it’s more natural and it generally takes less time to find a face of the day. After getting a mohawk a little less than 2 months ago I thought people would be less willing to talk to me but I was pleasantly surprised when it made little difference. I still try to keep it more laid back when doing interviews though. Generally I won’t spike my hair if I think it will effect the people in settings I’m likely to visit, and sometimes I’ll wear a hat when going to do the interview. But in general I’ve found appearance makes little difference in the ease of finding someone to be the face of the day. Though the ease in finding people could also be a result of having more practice than when I started the project. Regardless- I’ve been pleased with how things are going. I’m going to include a few photos of myself now so you can see the face on the other side of the camera and thus have a visual to accompany the observation on the hair.
Song of the Week:
The Walk by Imogen Heap

This was shot by my Dad in Madrid. The green folder I'm holding contains the 365 interviews.

This is me in my full photo mode. I shot this of my reflection in an elevator in London. This was the same week I got the mohawk.

With my hair down

A bit more exciting when up I think

Side view

And a shadow
Song of the Week:
The Walk by Imogen Heap
This was shot by my Dad in Madrid. The green folder I'm holding contains the 365 interviews.
This is me in my full photo mode. I shot this of my reflection in an elevator in London. This was the same week I got the mohawk.
With my hair down
A bit more exciting when up I think
Side view
And a shadow
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Day 46 - Ashley
Day 46 - October 16th 2007
Location: New York, NY
Setting: JFK airport
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
New Jersey
3. Paper or plastic?
I dunno, you can recycle both. Plastic, it can give you cancer. Well, plastic’s fine.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
First week in college at Bryn Mawr
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
The only permanent things change
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Um I suppose with hin (gestures towards the guy she was with)
8. Song of the week?
Two Plus Two Equals Five by Radiohead
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
The Painted Vail
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie, kick ass.
Day 45 - Treetop
Day 45 - October 15th 2007
Location: Los Altos Hills, Ca
Setting: Foothill College
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Frankfurt, Germany
3. Paper or plastic?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was on my way to work
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Jesus that’s a wide open one. Don’t steal it if you don’t have to.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Depends on my mood. If I want me time I’ll sit around the computer. If I’m sociable I’ll call my girlfriend.
8. Song of the week?
Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Depends on the friend’s interests. If they’re an uncultured idiot, Calvin and Hobbes. The perfect book: Fast Food Nation.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Well ten years ago it’d be Oprah, today it’s be Rosie.
Day 44 - Chelle
Day 44 - October 14th 2007
Location: Los Altos, Ca
Setting: Peet’s Coffee
1. Preferred nickname?
By my father who passed away and my brother: Smed. Outside of that it’s chelle, short for Michelle
2. Birthplace?
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania
3. Paper or plastic?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was, just flown in from the Midwest. So that was the day before, and so that day I was at home.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Uh ooh boy. Know thyself.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Sitting lakeside at Lake Tahoe and reading. And skinny dipping.
8. Song of the week?
Um I don’t know... All creatures of our god and king
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Ah yes, The Lives of Others
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oh ahha, that’s a tough one. I’d have to say Rosie.
Monday, November 26, 2007
86 down 279 to go
I realize there’s been a dearth of posts. I apologize to any recent participants who were hoping to see photos sooner. With November comes the holiday season, application deadlines, visiting family and a lack of time. I’ve been shooting religiously- however post processing is a continual hassle given the need to clear hard drive space any time there are pictures to upload. The backlog has gotten to the point where in order to shoot more photos I’m buying more CF cards because I’ve not had time to clear the other half dozen. This is not meant to sound like a complaint, it’s an explanation for the delay. I’m actually glad that things are busy enough that there’s always something new to shoot. It definitely keeps me occupied, and I’d rather be busy than bored. Though a side effect is the delay on the web end. Thus far, I’ve completed 86 days, which probably doesn’t sound like much given how much more is ahead- but that’s dozens of people I’ve spoken to and interacted with so to me it’s a lot.
(Insert shameless plug here: I do update another blog of mine on a daily basis. I can do that because that one does not require typing an interview or maintaining chronological order. That blog can be found HERE)
This week was interesting because many people who are normally not here, were in town for the holiday. And thus I found myself explaining the project to many friends and family members; which is something I haven’t had to do since the first weeks when I was just starting up. I guess I’ve been taking it for granted that since a large portion of my time has been spent on this, others I know will already know of it. Which is a somewhat absurd assumption given that many days the time allotted for finding a face is about the same as if I were to go out and run errands such as grocery shopping. There’s no moral to this mini story- it just made me think about what projects, commitments and interests my friends have that I have no clue about. I’m sure there are many.
Song of the Week
Where the White Boys Dance by The Killers
(Insert shameless plug here: I do update another blog of mine on a daily basis. I can do that because that one does not require typing an interview or maintaining chronological order. That blog can be found HERE)
This week was interesting because many people who are normally not here, were in town for the holiday. And thus I found myself explaining the project to many friends and family members; which is something I haven’t had to do since the first weeks when I was just starting up. I guess I’ve been taking it for granted that since a large portion of my time has been spent on this, others I know will already know of it. Which is a somewhat absurd assumption given that many days the time allotted for finding a face is about the same as if I were to go out and run errands such as grocery shopping. There’s no moral to this mini story- it just made me think about what projects, commitments and interests my friends have that I have no clue about. I’m sure there are many.
Song of the Week
Where the White Boys Dance by The Killers
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
70 Days In
November 10th
Personal Reflection
This project has thus far been a daily adventure, though some days are certainly less exciting than others. Some days finding a face means multiple hours of visiting different locations before someone is interested and willing to participate. Other days I’ll be at an event with mutual friends, and I can easily meet someone new without deviating from my day’s plans. I prefer the later not only because of the more relaxed nature of the interviews which follow, but also because when at events, no one is planning on leaving suddenly so you have time to have a conversation before and after the interview. Whereas attempting to stop someone on the street or in a coffee shop, you never know where they’re coming from, where they’re going, and how long they’ll be around. I try not to stop people who look very busy, in the middle of a book or conversation- because personally it irks me when people do that. Which of course also limits the pool of available individuals in a given setting. I also find myself settling into ruts to make it easier to balance the combination of school, work, this project and a social life. Meeting friends of friends, visiting certain coffee shops where I know people will linger, lingering after events, taking my camera everywhere, and mixing in random friends and acquaintances to the project on the busier weeks. I’m actually surprised at some of the things I’ve learnt about friends while doing this project. More evidence to the fact that there’s always more to learn. Plus the hodgepodge of questions is such that I do find myself learning or at least being interested by everyone who’s answered. In addition I’ve found the best part is not the interviews or the photographs, it’s the conversations immediately afterwards. Anyway, that’s my two cents for now.
And I’ve decided any time I post updates about my end of the project, I will now include the song of the week.
Song of the Week: Hopeless by KT Tunstall.
Personal Reflection
This project has thus far been a daily adventure, though some days are certainly less exciting than others. Some days finding a face means multiple hours of visiting different locations before someone is interested and willing to participate. Other days I’ll be at an event with mutual friends, and I can easily meet someone new without deviating from my day’s plans. I prefer the later not only because of the more relaxed nature of the interviews which follow, but also because when at events, no one is planning on leaving suddenly so you have time to have a conversation before and after the interview. Whereas attempting to stop someone on the street or in a coffee shop, you never know where they’re coming from, where they’re going, and how long they’ll be around. I try not to stop people who look very busy, in the middle of a book or conversation- because personally it irks me when people do that. Which of course also limits the pool of available individuals in a given setting. I also find myself settling into ruts to make it easier to balance the combination of school, work, this project and a social life. Meeting friends of friends, visiting certain coffee shops where I know people will linger, lingering after events, taking my camera everywhere, and mixing in random friends and acquaintances to the project on the busier weeks. I’m actually surprised at some of the things I’ve learnt about friends while doing this project. More evidence to the fact that there’s always more to learn. Plus the hodgepodge of questions is such that I do find myself learning or at least being interested by everyone who’s answered. In addition I’ve found the best part is not the interviews or the photographs, it’s the conversations immediately afterwards. Anyway, that’s my two cents for now.
And I’ve decided any time I post updates about my end of the project, I will now include the song of the week.
Song of the Week: Hopeless by KT Tunstall.
Day 43 - Mo
Day 43 - October 13th 2007
Location: San Francisco, Ca
Setting: A home in West Portal
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Evanston, Illinois
3. Paper or plastic?
Paper Of course
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was sleeping at home.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Wow urv. No stop that (In reference to my writing everything down) *laughs* Okay. The best piece of advise I could give. Ooo it doesn’t matter whether you’re right, it just matters that you’re happy and peaceful.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
That’s a good one *laughs* Outside in my neighborhood in the sun, drinking some wine in great company.
8. Song of the week?
Uh that timberland song.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
I would think (interruption) this is my interview! I liked Eat, Love and Pray but not as a handbook for how to live life, but as a book to enjoy and read.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oprah, cuz I would help her
Day 42 - Ah-nold
Day 42 - October 12th 2007
Location: Berkeley, Ca
Setting: Apartment
1. Preferred nickname?
Ah-nold No wait Long dong silver
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
Burlap sack
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
It was in the car on the way to school
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Uh hmmm.. Give Urvi good advice
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
No comment on that one... Punching the munchkin.
8. Song of the week?
Macho Macho Man by the Village People
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Oh I do I do
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Hmm.. Last movie I saw? Blood Diamond. It was a good one.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oprah. She’d shank Rosie O’Donnell.
Day 41 - Lulu
Day 41 - October 11th 2007
Location: Stanford, Ca
Setting: Stanford Spoken Word Collective Workshop
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was in school in Kuwait. I was in my bedroom and my parents were in the living room watching TV.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Uh don’t beat yourself up.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Uh *pause* With friends in a car with windows down with my feet out of the window and flowers in the car.
8. Song of the week?
I’m really just bad at music
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yeah. (Tells a joke)
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
I also hate movies. Book Sophie’s World and Guerilla Girls Bedside Companion
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Uh I think Rosie O’Donnell would just start attacking Oprah with sexual favors and Oprah would start crying.
Day 40 - Ali
Day 40 - October 10th 2007
Location: Palo Alto, California
Setting: Stanford Avenue Starbucks
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
New York City
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
I had this stuffed dragon I really liked. It was a puppet.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was in PE class at my school.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Umm you don’t discover yourself, you create yourself.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Umm oh gosh. I’d say playing field hockey or listening to music. Hanging out with friends.
8. Song of the week?
No More I Love You’s Annie Lennox
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
*laugh* yes
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Umm book, it’s called Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters. It’s about developmental psychology
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie I think. Depends on what they’re fighting for. (My reply: Their lives) Oh Oprah.
Day 39 - Chesca
Day 39 - October 9th 2007
Location: Palo Alto, Ca
Setting: Middlefield Campus, Foothill College
1. Preferred nickname?
Umm wow. *Laughs* I don’t have one ... chesca
2. Birthplace?
Lima, Peru
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Oooh... umm.*long pause* rainbow bright
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was at my aunt’s house and it was the day of her birthday actually.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Don’t ever live someone else’s life.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Depends on the season... I really like this thing called Body Works. It’s a cadaver exhibit.
8. Song of the week?
Money by Pink Floyd
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yes I do.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
*pause* That’s a hard one. Transformers
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Whoa *laughs* Rosie O’Donnell, just cuz she’s scary.
Day 38 - Kiki
Day 38 - October 8th 2007
Location: Santa Clara, Ca
Setting: Mission College
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
San Jose
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Didn’t have one
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
In school
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Umm don’t take anything to heart. Leave the past in the past.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Hanging out with friends
8. Song of the week?
Umm I don’t even know. Cha cha for now.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
No, multiculturaled
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Good Luck Chuck
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell. Hands down.
Day 37 - Jae
Day 37 - October 7th 2007
Location: Stanford, Ca
Setting: Dorm room
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Seoul, Korea
3. Paper or plastic?
In terms of shopping material? Plastic if groceries. Paper if it’s clothes
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Legos Hands down.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
In school. In particular I was in Spanish class, second period when I heard.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Whatever you do, be the best at it.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Damn, that’s difficult. Hmm. Chatting with friends, or video games, or sleep.
8. Song of the week?
I recently saw this band The Starting Line on MTV. And I really like their song Island. I guess I’m enchanted by it. In fact let’s hear it now...
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yeah Definitely.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Uh what have I seen? I don’t remember. *pause* Book I’d recommend How to Change the World. Movie: Transformers. Robots and hot girls
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
*long pause* I think Oprah but by a slim margin, because if she lost the girls in her book club would smack Rosie down so fast.
Day 36 - Nico
Day 36 - October 6th 2007
Location: Stanford, Ca
Setting: Light Lab in the basement of the Theatre
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
Neither, renewable green bag
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Uh I think... sure I’m gonna say that. ... marble track thingy
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I’m gonna sneeze. I was in my house, in my family room.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Uh I know that’s obvious... oh do what you love.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
That would be in rehearsal
8. Song of the week?
That would be... um I’m gonna cheat. (Checks on his iPhone) These Hard Times by Matchbox Twenty
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
No, I don’t actually know any off hand. Actually I do but I couldn’t tell it.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Winning Our Energy Independence by S. David Freeman
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell just cuz she’s crazy.
Day 35 - J
Day 35 - October 5th 2007
Location: Palo Alto
Setting: Z Gallery
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Menlo Park
3. Paper or plastic?
Canvas. Screw Paper
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Tinker toys or legos
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I stayed home from school that day, I think I was sick.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Be a duck
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Sleeping or eating.
8. Song of the week?
Umm. God I don’t know the artist. (Pause)
Becoming Insane by Infected Mushrooms actually, make that Salmon Dance by Chemical Brothers
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yes, though I can’t remember any off the top of my head.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Oh snap, it’s been a long time since I’ve read a book or seen a movie
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
*pause* Go with Oprah. I think she gained some weight again.
Day 34 - Fu
Day 34 - October 4th 2007
Location: Los Altos Hills, CA
Setting: Foothill College Ceramics room
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
(Word I can’t read) seat bike
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
At home sleeping
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Always eat a great meal
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Reading a great book with my cat sleeping by my side
8. Song of the week?
He Love (Rachael Yamagata)
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Day 33 - Roth
Day 33 - October 3rd 2007
Location: Los Altos Hills, Ca
Setting: Foothill College Photo Lab
1. Preferred nickname?
Roth or Tred Longwell
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
I’m paper
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Uh wow. There were so many. I love radio control airplanes
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was working at Sun Microsystems (story followed)
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Go after what you want. Jump on it
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Uh shoot. I guess black and white photography with red filter at the beach with a beer. ... I dunno
8. Song of the week?
I listen to too much hip hop, Jay Z
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Mmm... no I don’t mind em, but not at the time. Maybe I should learn ‘em
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Probably Wuthering Heights
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
I’d probably have to go with Oprah.
Day 32 - Chocolate
Day 32 - October 2nd 2007
Location: Palo Alto, Ca
Setting: Foothill College Middlefield campus
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
East Palo Alto
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
At home watching it on TV. Then I went to school.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Get Money
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Chilling with my son.
8. Song of the week?
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Homer Simpson, or the Simpsons
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Day 31 - Valeria
Day 31 - October 1st 2007
Location: Los Altos Hills, CA
Setting: Foothill College
1. Preferred nickname?
Valeria. Lera.
2. Birthplace?
St. Petersburg
3. Paper or plastic?
You can’t ask me questions like that I’m as decisive as a fat man in a buffet
4. Favorite childhood toy?
I came from Russia! My favorite toy was like, “Here’s a rock! Play with it”
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
In my 8th grade English class with my teacher Miss Elmore who was like the spawn of Satan.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Russians lie 11 times out of 10.
As long as you’re breathing you have every reason to be happy.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
*laughs* Dancing, eating, laughing, living and getting away with something I shouldn’t
8. Song of the week?
Hold on, I have one California by Mylene Farmer
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Excuse me. I’m Russian! We know too many. And I’m a Jew, I know them by default. I’m the target of ‘em.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Oh my god I’ve read so many. Look ay you- you write everything! Beach Music.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
*long pause* Oprah because of affirmative action.
Day 30 - Em
Day 30 - September 30th 2007
Location: Stanford, CA
Setting: Dorm room
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Torrance, CA
3. Paper or plastic?
Umm... plastic
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Umm.. Probably stuffed dog.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
School. Home. I went to school. San Diego, CA. I was in 8th grade.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Um. Don’t take everything seriously.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
8. Song of the week?
Curve of the Earth by Matt Nathanson
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Um. Probably Against the Day.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oprah Clearly.
Day 29 - Nesh
Day 29 - September 29th 2007
Location: Mountain View, California
Setting: In a car on the way to a DMB concert
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Gosh. Uh... I don’t know I don’t remember any, I don’t think I had any favorites.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
Uh I was in Blacksburg, Virginia.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Be yourself.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Lazing and reading a book.
8. Song of the week?
Proudest Monkey
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
I know sardar jokes
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Um.. I think Constant Gardner was what I liked. It’s not recent, does it matter? And book ... Jonathan Livingston Single
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell.
Day 28 - Judie
Day 28 - September 28th 2007
Location: San Jose, California
Setting: Intermission for a play at the San Jose Rep
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Brooklyn, New York
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
I still have it. A Monopoly game from 1949
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
Not so funny story. At my house. (Story followed...)
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Live everyday to it’s fullest
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
That’s a tough one. Probably with good friends doing something meaningful.
8. Song of the week?
Oh my goodness I don’t have one.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yes but I refuse to tell them.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Um. Hmm... Sweet November
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oh please... Oprah has such power. But I like Rosie I think she’s real.
Day 27 - Ama
Day 27 - September 27th 2007
Location: San Francisco, Ca
Setting: Blue Danube Coffee House
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Reno Nevada
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Oh... I don’t know if it’s a toy.. A stuffed racoon named Tim
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
Um I was, during the actual event I was sleeping. Then I went to school that day, college.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Wow. That’s difficult. Be yourself. Later I’ll probably go that’s not it, something else.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Um. Well currently its reading. But I have to. Probably hanging out with a friend or loved one in a park drinking coffee.
8. Song of the week?
Good by Morphine
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Um. Yeah. Racist jokes. Yes.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
The latest book would be Sex and the Body and the movie would be Happyness
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell
Day 26 - Lady C
Day 26 - September 26th 2007
Location: Los Altos Hills, California
Setting: Foothill College
1. Preferred nickname?
I don’t have a nickname. Actually I take that back: Lady C
2. Birthplace?
4th generation Californian
3. Paper or plastic?
Cuz of the cat box, plastic.
4. Favorite childhood toy?
My fishing rod.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was home sick from work and I had the news on.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Plan your future.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
*pause* Probably shooting photos at a car show, though I’d do that in the morning.
8. Song of the week?
*laughs* Tonight. It was written by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim from the West Side Story.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Of course. Everybody does, and anyone who says they don’t is lying. The key is I refuse to repeat them.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Wow. Mostly text related books. Okay, for general reading pleasure... stardust.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Umm, I’m gonna say Rosie. She looks like she’s got more street cred.
Day 25 - Ralph
Day 25 - September 25th 2007
Location: Palo Alto, California
Setting: Foothill College Middlefield Campus - Sociology Classroom
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
G.I. Joes
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Oh wow. umm. Live. Simple
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Uh... That’s kinda hard. So many things. Family
8. Song of the week?
*long pause* Song of the week... I can’t think of one now.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Tipping Point
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
The gaps in some interviews...
I’m sure some of you will notice the gaps in some interviews, thus I’m going to explain why they’re there in advance so I don’t get oodles of questions about it. When doing the daily interviews I have a tendency to focus on the person I’m talking to (logically). And thus even though I generally know the questions when I’m not occupied, I have a tendency to forget questions when asking them. My solution is just to cheat and look at the proceeding day’s interview and copy the question. Sometimes if the person the day before talked for a longer or shorter amount, or my handwriting was more of a scrawl - the spacing sometimes differs by day. And if I look just across the lines of one page to the next, sometimes a question can get missed. Then most likely the question will be missed for several interviews until I notice the number has changed. Which is the reason you will see several interviews without the favorite childhood toy and racist joke questions. For some of those people I do have their contact information as it was exchanged during the interview, however I feel it’s best to leave it as is: with all the information for the day being acquired on the day itself. If this irks any readers/viewers, I’m sorry. I hope I’ll be a bit more focused so you won’t see the mistake again.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Day 24 - Alek
Day 24 - September 24th 2007
Location: Foothill College
Setting: Honors History Seminar
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
My dogs. I did have toys but I like my dogs more.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
Johannesburg, South Africa
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Umm.. You’ll get over anything eventually. Try not to be cynical.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Umm, I guess reading a book at a lake. Realistically if I had my way it’d be an island in the Maldives and snorkeling
8. Song of the week?
Girl From Panama. The Frank Sinatra Version.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
I guess I know them. I’m trying to think of one.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Arlene Blum’s autobiography.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oprah, always Oprah
Day 23 - Chris
Day 23 - September 23rd 2007
Location: Tiburon, California
Setting: Goodbye Party for a friend
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Des Plaines, Illinois
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Oh wow... hmmm depends on when my childhood ends. I used to love fischertechnik. It was a construction kit.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
Yeah- you know I woke up that morning to the radio. I had a moment of panic cuz one of tthe guys on my team was there. (There = New York. Story continued faster than I could write but in the end, the guy was okay)
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
I guess uh... go with the flow. Enjoy life as you go.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Probably hiking. I like doing hikes with my friends and my dog.
8. Song of the week?
I can give a group of the week: Grateful Dead
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Umm hmm.. I’m from near Chicago so I know a lot of Polish jokes.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Book: Freakonomics
Movie, I guess I’d say Crash
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oh my goodness. ...gosh
I guess I’d say Oprah
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Call the Cops! I'm an Artist
Written on October 21st 2007
Having the police and hotel manager called on me. Add that to the list of experience had while working on the 365 project. During tonight’s interview I was speaking to a pleasant lady from Buffalo, NY who happened to be in the lobby of the hotel I was also staying at. I started the interview and at first things were going fine. By the 5th question the receptionist had started asking what I was doing, I replied it was part of an art project. I didn’t think anything of it at first, as generally most people who see me doing the interview either don’t give a damn or are on the curious side. I continued and he then interrupted again asking if I’d talked to the hotel manger. I replied no, it was an ART project, and didn’t in fact concern the hotel in anyway. It was an independent art project and nothing more. I quickly rushed the next questions in order not to inconvenience the lady I was interviewing, and then asked her to initial the bottom of the interview to just verify she’d given consent to being in the project. By this point the receptionist was highly suspicious and ordered her not to sign it before he rudely threatened to call the police and hotel manager. Myself and the lady quickly headed for the elevators while he picked up the phone, and I got the interview initialed and a single shot before returning to my room so I wouldn’t have to deal with the manager and cops- which I assume would not be pleasant anywhere, but least of all in a foreign country where I only know words of the language.
This is the first time in my life someone has called the cops on me and I’m actually rather offended. Enough to now name the hotel which up till now would have remained nameless:
If you ever happen to be in Torremolinos, Spain you should avoid Apartamentos Bajondillo. Not only was I offended by their staff, but also the bathrooms are leaky, they do not supply even soap, the double suite advertized will have one real bed, another fold out from the closet, and when we arrived two of the light bulbs were dead. Which I could normally forgive due to the location, but on both sides of the hotel and all along the beach are other equally convenient establishments.
Asides from this incident, interviews have been a bit harder to get but not unpleasant. The language barrier makes finding someone a bit harder as I don’t know enough Spanish to do an interview, only to clarify the questions a little bit. I have no clue how the photos will turn out as just finding a person and completing the interview is challenging enough for now.
Having the police and hotel manager called on me. Add that to the list of experience had while working on the 365 project. During tonight’s interview I was speaking to a pleasant lady from Buffalo, NY who happened to be in the lobby of the hotel I was also staying at. I started the interview and at first things were going fine. By the 5th question the receptionist had started asking what I was doing, I replied it was part of an art project. I didn’t think anything of it at first, as generally most people who see me doing the interview either don’t give a damn or are on the curious side. I continued and he then interrupted again asking if I’d talked to the hotel manger. I replied no, it was an ART project, and didn’t in fact concern the hotel in anyway. It was an independent art project and nothing more. I quickly rushed the next questions in order not to inconvenience the lady I was interviewing, and then asked her to initial the bottom of the interview to just verify she’d given consent to being in the project. By this point the receptionist was highly suspicious and ordered her not to sign it before he rudely threatened to call the police and hotel manager. Myself and the lady quickly headed for the elevators while he picked up the phone, and I got the interview initialed and a single shot before returning to my room so I wouldn’t have to deal with the manager and cops- which I assume would not be pleasant anywhere, but least of all in a foreign country where I only know words of the language.
This is the first time in my life someone has called the cops on me and I’m actually rather offended. Enough to now name the hotel which up till now would have remained nameless:
If you ever happen to be in Torremolinos, Spain you should avoid Apartamentos Bajondillo. Not only was I offended by their staff, but also the bathrooms are leaky, they do not supply even soap, the double suite advertized will have one real bed, another fold out from the closet, and when we arrived two of the light bulbs were dead. Which I could normally forgive due to the location, but on both sides of the hotel and all along the beach are other equally convenient establishments.
Asides from this incident, interviews have been a bit harder to get but not unpleasant. The language barrier makes finding someone a bit harder as I don’t know enough Spanish to do an interview, only to clarify the questions a little bit. I have no clue how the photos will turn out as just finding a person and completing the interview is challenging enough for now.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Google it!
365 Faces of the Year can now be easily found through google without putting the name in quotation marks! Not sure if this will last the gap in posts, but I’m hopeful that it will remain the case. And I’m glad that any participants now have an easy way to find the site if they loose the card with the link on it.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Time flys like a ...
I have finished 43 days of interviews and photos- though I’m sure some are doubting that due to the backlog of images needing to be processed and posted. However I feel the need to warn you that there will be an even longer gap between now and when you see the next posted images. This coming Tuesday I will depart for a trip to Portugal, Spain and finally a wedding in London. I will be absent until the 30th of October. The project won’t be paused, and I will continue working on my half to keep up with it- however the posted portion will be paused. I’d like to post a few more images before I leave, but I’m doubting that will happen due to my full course load at school. Between now and Tuesday afternoon’s flight I have 2 papers to write, 2 weeks reading for 2 classes to do, packing for the trip, and reorganizing my laptop to create room for the photos I will be undoubtedly be taking while out of the country. Oh and classes to attend! Which should be more than enough to keep myself busy for the 2 days left. I’m hoping to use some of the flight time to process images- which hopefully means when I get back everything will be ready to copy, paste and post. But we shall see. If this is the last post before I leave- I hope you’ll still be reading when I return, but I will try to get something up if time permits.
Also I posted a brief progress update on the Facebook group on Friday which was day 41 which I'll now just paste here:
I've thus far completed 41 days - 22 are on the blog.
The workshop on on expressive portraits was exhausting- but it was interesting and I learned more about working with images in RAW, which will probably result in this project taking a hell of a lot more space on my computer, and better quality images. It's also got me lusting after a new lensbaby 3g and better appreciating the usefulness of reflectors. Though having now played with lighting equipment, I'm more convinced it's a burden to natural shots.
To see a sample of the shots done during the workshop check out the most recent post at
(one of my other two blogs)
I'm sorry to anyone who's been expecting the daily shot to be processed and posted efficiently; I'm currently juggling many things and rather than trying to expedite the post processing, I'd rather wait and give it my full focus with alert eyes. And due to daily life, that's not always easy to find.
Also I posted a brief progress update on the Facebook group on Friday which was day 41 which I'll now just paste here:
I've thus far completed 41 days - 22 are on the blog.
The workshop on on expressive portraits was exhausting- but it was interesting and I learned more about working with images in RAW, which will probably result in this project taking a hell of a lot more space on my computer, and better quality images. It's also got me lusting after a new lensbaby 3g and better appreciating the usefulness of reflectors. Though having now played with lighting equipment, I'm more convinced it's a burden to natural shots.
To see a sample of the shots done during the workshop check out the most recent post at
(one of my other two blogs)
I'm sorry to anyone who's been expecting the daily shot to be processed and posted efficiently; I'm currently juggling many things and rather than trying to expedite the post processing, I'd rather wait and give it my full focus with alert eyes. And due to daily life, that's not always easy to find.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Day 22 - Hef
Day 22 - September 22nd 2007
Location: Monte Sereno, California
Setting: Barbeque - Festevus for the Rest of Us
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Lindsey, California
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Shoot... The Nintendo. Is that a toy?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
Umm I was at Porterville College
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Do everything to your fullest
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Shit. I don’t know.
8. Song of the week?
An Ocean Between Us by As I lay Dying
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yes. Want me to tell you one?
What do you call one white guy surrounded by 15 black guys? A basket ball coach.
What do you call one white guy surrounded by 30 black guys? A football coach.
What do you call one white guy surrounded by 300 black guys? A warden.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Superbad. If you want a book it’d be Happy Endings by Jim Nolton
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell. She’s a beast!
Day 21 - Jalebi
Day 21 - September 21st 2007
Location: Saratoga, California
Setting: Book Club
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
A doll that closed it’s eyes
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
At home.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Oh that’s a thinking question, can we come back to it?
(Later) Live for the moment. Or live in the moment.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Sit in bed and read.
8. Song of the week?
I had one. ... Downtown.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Racist jokes? Sure.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Book is Agony and Ecstacy.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie for sure
Day 20 - JJ
Day 20 - September 20th 2007
Location: Los Altos, California
Setting: Sidewalk of Main street
1. Preferred nickname?
I don’t have a nickname. Sometimes they call me JJ at one point of time at my work
2. Birthplace?
Passedina, California
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
I actually- it was my bike. I could go anywhere. Freedom.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was at home. Before I went to work, and I was listening to the news as I was getting ready to work.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Always wear a smile
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
At the beach, sure, isn’t that the best place. Just the sound and the smell. You can decompress so fast there. Overcast, sun, it doesn’t make a difference.
8. Song of the week?
Ain’t to proud to beg by the temptations
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Actually no
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Murder at the Smithsonian by Margaret Truman. She’s Harry Truman’s granddaughter. And since she grew up in DC she did murder mysteries at all the sites.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Tough call. I’d have to go with Rosie O’Donnell.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Day 19 - Dro
Day 19 - September 19th 2007
Location: Los Altos, California
Setting: Rancho Shopping Center
1. Preferred nickname?
Dro (Andrew)
2. Birthplace?
Los Altos, California
3. Paper or plastic?
Oh. That’s a good question. I don’t really have a preference.
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Skateboard for sure
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
In a classroom
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Uh. *pause* Be yourself
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Just kicking it with friends.
8. Song of the week?
Ooh. Sunshine by Atmosphere
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
I know so many racist jokes
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Book, Scar tissue. And movie would have to be, 300 or Smoking Aces.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell for sure.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Short Self Reflection
To be honest I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing on the post processing with those last few shots- I just want to mix things up and try things out differently to keep myself out of a rut. There's the glaringly obvious preference of tightly cropped face shots that I tend to favor, so I'm trying not to let that be limiting, and only use it when I can't think of other ways to do it- but that being said, I still find the tight shots more dynamic. Some of the people I've shot have been available to play around with a variety of poses and then I get to chose the best of many shots, though others deem one sufficient, which I must respect.
Today while I was shooting my Day 31 face, a friend of her's walked up and after watching the two of us shooting for a bit, asked if he could be tomorrow's face. Having people I don't know offer to participate rather than searching for them is a bit strange; although it makes life easier and I'm still getting to meet new people. Anyways, I gave him my card and we'll see if I actually end up shooting him next.
I hope you're enjoying looking thus far, and that I get the 12 days of shots from my computer to yours in a timely manner.
Also my hand is healed- but here are a couple shots I got of it when it was still in the bandages:

Today while I was shooting my Day 31 face, a friend of her's walked up and after watching the two of us shooting for a bit, asked if he could be tomorrow's face. Having people I don't know offer to participate rather than searching for them is a bit strange; although it makes life easier and I'm still getting to meet new people. Anyways, I gave him my card and we'll see if I actually end up shooting him next.
I hope you're enjoying looking thus far, and that I get the 12 days of shots from my computer to yours in a timely manner.
Also my hand is healed- but here are a couple shots I got of it when it was still in the bandages:
Day 18 - Erica
Day 18 - September 18th 2007
Location: Palo Alto, California
Setting: Stanford University Quad
1. Preferred nickname?
I don’t have one, Erica
2. Birthplace?
Denver, Colorado
3. Paper or plastic?
Usually paper, but if it’s water bottles...
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Definitely kinex
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was in school in Aberdee Scotland
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
For what? Love what you do
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Kayaking, white water kayaking
8. Song of the week?
Ohh tough one, tough one. Seeing as our dorm’s theme song is umbrella, that’s gotta be it.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Sure, who doesn’t? Especially if you’re a victim of them
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
A thousand splendid suns
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oh. It would have to be Rosie O’Donnell I think
Day 17 - Tyler
Day 17 - September 17th 2007
Location: Los Alto, California
Setting: Peets Coffee
1. Preferred nickname?
Tyler - I don’t know. I don’t really have a nickname
2. Birthplace?
Menlo park
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was at Crittenden Middle School in 6th grade
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
*pause* I’m trying to think. I guess life’s short so ... no that’s a quote. The best things in life are free
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
*Smiles* probably sleeping, or hanging out with friends or eating... all 3
8. Song of the week?
Lets just sat ... oh this is hard for me to say... lets just say run it by Chris Brown
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Yeah but I don’t want to say them, they’re offensive
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
The peaceful warrior -it’s a movie
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oh I don’t know that’s a good one ... I’ll just say Oprah
Day 16 - Dan
Day 16 - September 16th 2007
Location: Los Altos, California
Setting: Backroom of Starbucks
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Beverly, East Yorkshire
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
A dog called Brownie, a stuffed dog called brownie
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was going in the car to college.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Life is an adventure, enjoy it
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
*laughs* Having a laugh with friends, and having sex. And dancing. So it’s three things.
8. Song of the week?
White Room by Cream
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Racist jokes. Do I have to repeat it? I can’t remember it though. *cracks up* She’s actually typing what I’m saying. (Conversation with coworker... I can’t type that fast)
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
*pause* *chuckle* * thinks... long pause* The secret. By Rhonda Burn. I think.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
WHAT? *cracks up* Who’s Rosie O’Donnell? I haven’t even heard of her so I’d say Oprah
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Absent Not Inactive!
Sorry for the absence of posts and updates, I assure you this project has not died yet. I’m trying during the wee morning hours of the 24th of September, and thus far have done 23 days of interviews and photos. My hand has fully healed and there is only a bit of light brown scarring where the burn was. If you didn’t know my hand was burnt you’d probably not even notice, or if you did you’d more likely assume I had residue of mocha on my hand. (I work at a starbucks thus the mocha assumption isn’t that far from the truth sometimes). I was rather surprised at the strength of the pain killers they gave me. Very effectively they stopped the pain, but they also made me drowsy and I wasn’t too safe for driving. Thus in the morning for the next three days I only took aspirin that way I could still go out. Then in the afternoon I took the pain killers that were prescribed to me. Also despite getting the burn on a Sunday evening, it hurt enough that I kept it on ice until Tuesday night and then on and off for the Wednesday. One interesting adventure down- many more to come? School has also just resumed, thus I’m now juggling classes, work, TAing a class, trying to do this project and figure out where I’d like to go once I’m done with Foothill. While some days are harder than others, I’ve had the dumb luck to be invited to various social events where I only know one or two people. Such events are utterly ideal as there are many people to meet and potentially interview, and this project ends up being a great conversation starter. The other perks is at social events the answers I get are also more in depth. Though I don’t know how much time I’ll have for social activities now that school is in session.
Also I’ve just finalized plans for a family trip this October. During the end of the month we’ll be visiting Portugal, London and Spain. Which I’m thinking will be an excellent opportunity to meet new people. I’ll definitely have to get someone during the stop over in New York so I don’t lose a day during the extended flights. But that’s a few weeks away. For now it’s nearly 3 am and I should go to bed so I can get 3 hours of sleep before work starts. I’ll try to get my act together with uploading, processing and posting- but no promises. I’m keeping up with the interview side- and for now that’s challenge enough.
Also I’ve just finalized plans for a family trip this October. During the end of the month we’ll be visiting Portugal, London and Spain. Which I’m thinking will be an excellent opportunity to meet new people. I’ll definitely have to get someone during the stop over in New York so I don’t lose a day during the extended flights. But that’s a few weeks away. For now it’s nearly 3 am and I should go to bed so I can get 3 hours of sleep before work starts. I’ll try to get my act together with uploading, processing and posting- but no promises. I’m keeping up with the interview side- and for now that’s challenge enough.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hands on Project
I've thus far completed 17 days - 15 are on the blog as you can see.
But yesterday night I managed to burn my hand through a klutzy accident at work thus I'm now typing and shooting with one hand while the other remains covered with a burn cream, gauze and on ice. After a 6 hour adventure today I got a doctor to look at it and prescribe some heavy duty painkillers, a better cream for the burn and a side effect of dizziness (thanks to el painkillers). It made today's interview a bit harder for me at least. Typing speed- not so good. This is definitely a hands on project and I'm for the next couple days, limited in the use of my left hand.
But yesterday night I managed to burn my hand through a klutzy accident at work thus I'm now typing and shooting with one hand while the other remains covered with a burn cream, gauze and on ice. After a 6 hour adventure today I got a doctor to look at it and prescribe some heavy duty painkillers, a better cream for the burn and a side effect of dizziness (thanks to el painkillers). It made today's interview a bit harder for me at least. Typing speed- not so good. This is definitely a hands on project and I'm for the next couple days, limited in the use of my left hand.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Day 15 - Smokey
Day 15 - September 15th 2007
Location: Mountain View, California
Setting: House Party
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
El Camino Hospital
3. Paper or plastic?
Oh paper. Hands Down.
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Oh what was the toy that would ... actually no. That came around when I was older. Tricycle, big wheel. I couldn’t say jungle gym cuz that’s a play place.
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
9-11 happened and I was woken up when my brother and my dad were like, “oh my god.” Cuz it happened at like 6 at like 9 ... around there. I had just woken up before school.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Life is short, you need to realize that every second is another second that will never happen again. Carpe Diem.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
*exhales* *pause* It would be um... day at the beach. Surfing. Surfing at the beach. Or maybe just outdoors with nature.
8. Song of the week?
So ooh this is a good one. It would be uh... It’s a cover of a punk band by tower of power. Oh Shining Star *pause* Oh wait... that’s not the song. Roll Over by The String Cheese Incident.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Racial jokes are kinda difficult because there are stereotype of groups for a reason... yeah I can think of many racial jokes.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
The Bourne Ultimatum. (Movie)
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oh Rosie O’Donnell would probably knock that bitch out in like ten seconds
Day 14 - Rik Ihli
Day 14 - September 14th 2007
Location: Santa Cruz County, California
Setting: beach
1. Preferred nickname?
Rik Ihli. My name is Rick Wayne but I got the name Rik Ihli from an old black soul singer
2. Birthplace?
Seattle 12:56 am St Patrick’s day
3. Paper or plastic?
Paper, I can reuse paper
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Oh my god, Favorite Childhood toy? You got me on this one. Any time I get a favorite, it’s a problem. (Later.) ... toy cars and tracks
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was laying in bed at home watching the television, and I knew the government was behind it because 9 seconds later all the channels had the same scene.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Learn your rights and responsibility as an American, take them seriously and defend them with your life.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
...I get bored easily so I’m always changing...
8. Song of the week?
Shake em up by Delbert McClinton (went into a story about how he taught Lennon how to play harmonica)
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
I know a million racist jokes, and a lot of black people don’t like niggers any more than I do.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Healing codes for the biological apocalypse
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
No one wins that one. You start a loser you end a loser.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Two Weeks In
It is now September 15th and I've successfully completed 15 days. I’m not sure what exactly I’ve expected thus far, but it’s been that and more. Some days are harder than others. Already I’ve noticed that earlier in the week people are more likely to be rushing to and fro- and it is much easier to just grab an acquaintance on those days. Earlier this week when wandering around Palo Alto trying to find a person for the 11th, it seemed absolutely everyone was rushing about or engaged in conversations that it would be rude to interrupt. That day I ended up walking in circles for nearly an hour and a half before I decided to try my luck at Stanford where I found my face of the day. In the two weeks I’ve been to two weddings and found those days so incredibly easy. When you’re at an event, and people aren’t roaming about they’re much more relaxed and easy to approach. Then the issue isn’t finding someone, it’s about being limited to one. Whereas during the midweek slump after a long shift it’s harder to muster up the energy to even talk to one person. I feel like I’ve been cheating to meet so many of the people in and around Starbucks, but because I work there, if I’m having a busy day it’s so much easier to just talk to someone while I’m on my lunch break. I’m guessing part of this is because even if I don’t know them, they’ve seen my face while getting coffee so thus they’re more likely not to just assume I’m a weirdo who they need to avoid. The other problem I’ve encountered is purely technical- my external hard drive died and without a place to put my files my computer is being slowed down. This means I’ve got to upload in batches, work goes slowly, and right now I’m at the point where I need to go purchase another one before I can upload more photos. As soon as I’ve got one you’ll see yesterday’s and today’s faces. Until then- hope you enjoyed looking at these and I’ll keep you updated on my progress (though most likely in bursts of posts rather than daily updates.)
Day 13 - Nana
Day 13 - September 13th 2007
Location: Los Altos, California
Setting: Farmer’s Market
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
I don’t have one
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
At a friend’s house
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Oh I don’t know
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
8. Song of the week?
Icky Thumb by the White Stripes
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
No no
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Shoot em up
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
I Don’t know... Rosie O’Donnell
Day 12 - Leni
Day 12 - September 12th 2007
Location: Main Street, Los Altos, California
Setting: Outside Starbucks
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
At home
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
To laugh
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Hanging out with friends
8. Song of the week?
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Georgia Rule
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell
Day 11 - Kou
Day 11 - September 11th 2007
Location: Stanford, California
Setting: Outside the bookstore
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Stay positive, being confident
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Sports field
8. Song of the week?
Hotel California
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
The first one, I don’t have a clue.
Day 10 - Louise
Day 10, September 10th 2007
Location: Main Street, Los Altos
Setting: backroom of starbucks
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
3. Paper or plastic?
Plastic? I don’t really care. Whatever has handles
4. Favorite childhood toy?
My little pony
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was at home and then I went to school that day. I was in Junior High
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Oh god. umm... I don’t think I should give any advice because I never follow my advice. I would say go with the flow, but I never follow that myself.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Honestly, doing nothing. Just hanging out with someone I really enjoy spending time with.
8. Song of the week?
Please Forgive Me by David Gray
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
Oh. Shoot. *laughs* No actually, I can never remember them.
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
For the book I would say definitely A Thousand Splendid Suns. And the movie, oh the Ten, that was really funny.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oprah. She’s the shit
Day 9 - Manda
Day 9 - September 9th 2007
Location: Stanford, California
Setting: Cancer Clinic Event, Volunteer’s table
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Washington D.C.
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
Stuffed animal dog
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
Kenyon College
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Brevity is the soul of wit
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
With friends
8. Song of the week?
Soweto Gospel Choir
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Day 8 - Blondie
Day: 8 - September 8th 2007
Location: Bear Creek Rd., Los Gatos, California
Setting: Wedding Reception
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Madison, Wisconsin
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
My mother’s high heels
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
In an electrical engineering class. And I thought it was a joke when the professor told us.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
Don’t worry because it creates a second problem to the initial problem you were worrying about.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
With a good book, next to the pool.
8. Song of the week?
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
The Zanzibar Chest by Aidan Hartley
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Rosie O’Donnell
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Day 7 - Ann
Day 7 - September 7th 2007
Location: Main Street, Los Altos, California
Setting: Starbucks coffee in the afternoon
1. Preferred nickname?
2. Birthplace?
Youngstown Ohio
3. Paper or plastic?
4. Favorite childhood toy?
5. Where were you on 9 -11?
I was ... I was teaching. I was teaching English.
6. Best piece of advice you could give?
To listen to your parents, they know more than you think.
7. Favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Reading or doing something with my children. Probably doing something with my children would be first and reading would be second because I’ve got incredible children.
8. Song of the week?
I have no idea.
9. Do you know any racist jokes?
10. Latest book or movie you’d recommend to a friend?
Cleopatra’s nose it’s by a historian, and I’m trying to think if I can remember his name. It’s about how the unexpected changes the course of history.
11. Who wins in a caged battle-to-the-death match: Rosie O’Donnell or Oprah?
Oprah, I don’t like Rosie whatever her name is. She’s course and crude.
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