Monday, November 26, 2007

86 down 279 to go

I realize there’s been a dearth of posts. I apologize to any recent participants who were hoping to see photos sooner. With November comes the holiday season, application deadlines, visiting family and a lack of time. I’ve been shooting religiously- however post processing is a continual hassle given the need to clear hard drive space any time there are pictures to upload. The backlog has gotten to the point where in order to shoot more photos I’m buying more CF cards because I’ve not had time to clear the other half dozen. This is not meant to sound like a complaint, it’s an explanation for the delay. I’m actually glad that things are busy enough that there’s always something new to shoot. It definitely keeps me occupied, and I’d rather be busy than bored. Though a side effect is the delay on the web end. Thus far, I’ve completed 86 days, which probably doesn’t sound like much given how much more is ahead- but that’s dozens of people I’ve spoken to and interacted with so to me it’s a lot.

(Insert shameless plug here: I do update another blog of mine on a daily basis. I can do that because that one does not require typing an interview or maintaining chronological order. That blog can be found HERE)

This week was interesting because many people who are normally not here, were in town for the holiday. And thus I found myself explaining the project to many friends and family members; which is something I haven’t had to do since the first weeks when I was just starting up. I guess I’ve been taking it for granted that since a large portion of my time has been spent on this, others I know will already know of it. Which is a somewhat absurd assumption given that many days the time allotted for finding a face is about the same as if I were to go out and run errands such as grocery shopping. There’s no moral to this mini story- it just made me think about what projects, commitments and interests my friends have that I have no clue about. I’m sure there are many.

Song of the Week
Where the White Boys Dance by The Killers

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